For any simple graph G, let D(G) denote the degree set {degG(v) : v ∈ V (G)}. Let S be a finite, nonempty set of positive integers. In this paper, we first determine the families of graphs G which are unicyclic, bipartite satisfying D(G) = S, and further obtain the graphs of minimum orders in such families. More general, for a given pair (S, T) of finite, nonempty sets of positive integers of the same cardinality, it is shown that there exists a bipartite graph B(X, Y ) such that D(X) = S, D(Y )...
The technique of counting cliques in networks is a natural problem. In this paper, we develop certain results on counting of triangles for the total graph of the Mycielski graph or central graph of star as well as completegraph families. Moreover, we discuss the upper bounds for the number of triangles in the Mycielski and other well known transformations of graphs. Finally, it is shown that the achromatic number and edge-covering number of the transformations mentioned above are equated.
Erratum Identification and corrections of the existing mistakes in the paper On the total graph of Mycielski graphs, central graphs and their covering numbers, Discuss. Math. Graph Theory 33 (2013) 361-371.
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