The present paper is devoted to further development of commutative nonstationary field themes; the first studies in this area were performed by K. Kirchev and V. Zolotarev [4, 5]. In this paper a more complicated variant of commutative field with nonstationary rank 2, carrying into more general situation for correlation function is studied. A condition of consistency (see (7) below) for commutative field is placed in the basis of the method proposed in [4, 5] and developed in this paper. The following...
The paper generalizes the instruction, suggested by B. Sz.-Nagy and C. Foias, for operatorfunction induced by the Cauchy problem
A unitary dilatation for is constructed in the present paper. then a translational model for the family is presented using a model construction scheme, suggested by Zolotarev, V., [3]. Finally, we derive a discrete functional model of family and operator applying the Laguerre transform
where are Laguerre polynomials [6, 7]. We show that the Laguerre transform...
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