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Some examples of essential laminations in 3-manifolds

Allen Hatcher — 1992

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Families of codimension-one foliations and laminations are constructed in certain 3-manifolds, with the property that their transverse intersection with the boundary torus of the manifold consists of parallel curves whose slope varies continuously with certain parameters in the construction. The 3-manifolds are 2-bridge knot complements and punctured-torus bundles.

Parametrized h -cobordism theory

Allen E. Hatcher — 1973

Annales de l'institut Fourier

This paper gives an expository account of the author’s work on the “second” obstruction to deforming a pseudo-isotopy on a smooth compact manifold to an isotopy. Using earlier results on the “first” obstruction, due independently to J.B. Wagoner and the author, this completes the generalization of J. Cerf’s pseudo-isotopy theorem to the non-simply-connected case.

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