On unsteady three-dimensional boundary layer.
In this paper we characterize weak monomorphisms and weak epimorphisms in the category of pro-groups. Also we define the notion of weakly exact sequence and we study this notion in the category of pro-groups.
Related to Shape Theory, in a previous paper (1992) we studied weak monomorphisms and weak epimorphisms in the category of pro-groups. In this note we give some intrinsic characterizations of the weak monomorphisms and the weak epimorphisms in pro-HTop* in the case when one of the two objects of such a morphism is a rudimentary system.
In this note we give an approach to shape covering maps which is comparable to that of *-fibrations (Mardesic and Rushing (1978)). The introduced notion conserves some important properties of usual covering maps.
A categorical generalization of the notion of movability from inverse systems and shape theory was given by the first author who defined the notion of movable category and used it to interpret the movability of topological spaces. In this paper the authors define the notion of uniformly movable category and prove that a topological space is uniformly movable in the sense of shape theory if and only if its comma category in the homotopy category HTop over the subcategory HPol of polyhedra is uniformly...
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