The paper deals with the analysis of generalized von Kármán equations which desribe stability of a thin circular viscoelastic clamped plate of constant thickness under a uniform compressible load which is applied along its edge and depends on a real parameter. The meaning of a solution of the mathematical problem is extended and various equivalent reformulations of the problem are considered. The structural pattern of the generalized von Kármán equations is analyzed from the point of view of nonlinear...
The paper deals with the analysis of generalized von Kármán equations which describe stability of a thin circular clamped viscoelastic plate of constant thickness under a uniform compressive load which is applied along its edge and depends on a real parameter, and gives results for the linearized problem of stability of viscoelastic plates. An exact definition of a bifurcation point for the generalized von Kármán equations is given. Then relations between the critical points of the linearized problem...
In this paper the author studies existence and bifurcation of a nonlinear homogeneous Volterra integral equation, which is derived as the first approximation for the solution of the time dependent generalization of the von Kármán equations. The last system serves as a model for stability (instability) of a thin rectangular visco-elastic plate whose two opposite edges are subjected to a constant loading which depends on the parameters of proportionality of this boundary loading.
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