In this article fibrations of associative algebras on smooth manifolds are investigated. Sections of these fibrations are spinor, co spinor and vector fields with respect to a gauge group. Invariant differentiations are constructed and curvature and torsion of invariant differentiations are calculated.
The article deals with bundles of linear algebra as a specifications of the case of smooth manifold. It allows to introduce on smooth manifold a metric by a natural way. The transfer of geometric structure arising in the linear spaces of associative algebras to a smooth manifold is also presented.
The article deals with spaces the geometry of which is defined by cyclic and anticyclic algebras. Arbitrary multiplicative function is taken as a fundamental form. Motions are given as linear transformation preserving given multiplicative function.
The article is devoted to a generalization of Clifford and Grassmann algebras for the case of vector spaces over the field of complex numbers. The geometric interpretation of such generalizations are presented. Multieuclidean geometry is considered as well as the importance of it in physics.
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