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The blocking of an inhomogeneous Bingham fluid. Applications to landslides

Patrick HildIoan R. IonescuThomas Lachand-RobertIoan Roşca — 2002

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

This work is concerned with the flow of a viscous plastic fluid. We choose a model of Bingham type taking into account inhomogeneous yield limit of the fluid, which is well-adapted in the description of landslides. After setting the general threedimensional problem, the blocking property is introduced. We then focus on necessary and sufficient conditions such that blocking of the fluid occurs. The anti-plane flow in twodimensional and onedimensional cases is considered. A variational formulation...

The blocking of an inhomogeneous Bingham fluid. Applications to landslides

Patrick HildIoan R. IonescuThomas Lachand-RobertIoan Roşca — 2010

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

This work is concerned with the flow of a viscous plastic fluid. We choose a model of Bingham type taking into account inhomogeneous yield limit of the fluid, which is well-adapted in the description of landslides. After setting the general threedimensional problem, the blocking property is introduced. We then focus on necessary and sufficient conditions such that blocking of the fluid occurs. The anti-plane flow in twodimensional and onedimensional cases is considered. A variational formulation...

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