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We present a nonstandard hull construction for locally uniform groups in a spirit similar to Luxemburg's construction of the nonstandard hull of a uniform space. Our nonstandard hull is a local group rather than a global group. We investigate how this construction varies as one changes the family of pseudometrics used to construct the hull. We use the nonstandard hull construction to give a nonstandard characterization of Enflo's notion of groups that are uniformly free from small subgroups. We...
The end compactification |Γ| of a locally finite graph Γis the union of the graph and its ends, endowed with a suitable topology. We show that π₁(|Γ|) embeds into a nonstandard free group with hyperfinitely many generators, i.e. an ultraproduct of finitely generated free groups, and that the embedding we construct factors through an embedding into an inverse limit of free groups. We also show how to recover the standard description of π₁(|Γ|) given by Diestel and Sprüssel (2011). Finally, we give...
We examine the properties of existentially closed (-embeddable) II₁ factors. In particular, we use the fact that every automorphism of an existentially closed (-embeddable) II₁ factor is approximately inner to prove that Th() is not model-complete. We also show that Th() is complete for both finite and infinite forcing and use the latter result to prove that there exist continuum many nonisomorphic existentially closed models of Th().
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