On locally bounded spaces and their products Ivan D. Aranđelović; Miloje Rajović — 2005 Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics
Some Properties of Hausdorff Measure of Noncompactness on Locally Bounded Topological Vector Spaces Ivan D. Aranđelović; Marina M. Milovanović-Aranđelović — 1997 Matematički Vesnik
A note on some fixed point results. Aranđelović, Ivan D.; Petković, Dojčin S. — 2009 Applied Mathematics E-Notes [electronic only]
A counterexample on a theorem by Khojasteh, Goodarzi, and Razani. Arandelović, Ivan D.; Kečkić, Dragoljub J. — 2010 Fixed Point Theory and Applications [electronic only]