Eine Bermerkung über Stammfunktion und Zwischenwerteigenschaft. Jürg Rätz — 1980 Elemente der Mathematik
Zur Linearität verallgemeinerter Modulisometrien (Short Communication) JÜRG RÄTZ — 1971 Aequationes mathematicae
On Wigner's theorem: Remarks, complements, comments, and corollaries. Jürg Rätz — 1996 Aequationes mathematicae
Invariante Funktionen über teilgeordneten algebraischen Halbstrukturen. Jürg Rätz Commentarii mathematici Helvetici
Begründung und Charakterisierung der reellen Logarithmusfunktionen. Jürg Rätz — 1965 Elemente der Mathematik
On the equality condition in Hölder's and Minkowski's inequalities. (Summary). Jürg Rätz; Janusz Matkowski — 1993 Aequationes mathematicae
Conditional function equations and orthogonal additivity. Jürg Rätz; Luigi Paganoni — 1995 Aequationes mathematicae
An extremal problem related to probability. Jürg Rätz; Dennis Russell — 1987 Aequationes mathematicae
Orthogonality and additivity modulo a subgroup. (Summary). Karol Baron; Jürg Rätz — 1993 Aequationes mathematicae
On the equality condition in Hölder's and Minkowski inequalities. Jürg Rätz; Janusz Matkowski — 1993 Aequationes mathematicae
On The Sup And Inf Invariance Of Some Separation Axioms Peter Krenger; Jürg Rätz — 1977 Publications de l'Institut Mathématique