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Characterization of Globally Lipschitz Nemytskiĭ Operators Between Spaces of Set-Valued Functions of Bounded φ-Variation in the Sense of Riesz

N. MerentesJ. L. Sánchez Hernández — 2004

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

Let (X,∥·∥) and (Y,∥·∥) be two normed spaces and K be a convex cone in X. Let CC(Y) be the family of all non-empty convex compact subsets of Y. We consider the Nemytskiĭ operators, i.e. the composition operators defined by (Nu)(t) = H(t,u(t)), where H is a given set-valued function. It is shown that if the operator N maps the space R V φ ( [ a , b ] ; K ) into R W φ ( [ a , b ] ; C C ( Y ) ) (both are spaces of functions of bounded φ-variation in the sense of Riesz), and if it is globally Lipschitz, then it has to be of the form H(t,u(t)) = A(t)u(t)...

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