A discrete fixed point theorem of Eilenberg as a particular case of the contraction principle.
We establish a Banach-Steinhaus type theorem for nonlinear functionals of several variables. As an application, we obtain extensions of the recent results of Balcerzak and Wachowicz on some meager subsets of L¹(μ) × L¹(μ) and c₀ × c₀. As another consequence, we get a Banach-Mazurkiewicz type theorem on some residual subset of C[0,1] involving Kharazishvili's notion of Φ-derivative.
Let X be a Banach space and T ∈ L(X), the space of all bounded linear operators on X. We give a list of necessary and sufficient conditions for the uniform stability of T, that is, for the convergence of the sequence of iterates of T in the uniform topology of L(X). In particular, T is uniformly stable iff for some p ∈ ℕ, the restriction of the pth iterate of T to the range of I-T is a Banach contraction. Our proof is elementary: It uses simple facts from linear algebra, and the Banach Contraction...
We establish a covering criterion involving a neighbourhood system and ideals of open sets which yields, in particular, a compactness criterion for an arbitrary topological space. As an application, we give new proofs of Tychonoff’s compactness theorem: we consider separately the case of a countable product, in a proof of which the ordinary mathematical induction is used, and the case of an uncountable product proved by the transfinite induction. Subsequently, the same argument is applied to obtain...
We establish five theorems giving lists of nonlinear contractive conditions which turn out to be mutually equivalent. We derive them from some general lemmas concerning subsets of the plane which may be applied both in the single- or set-valued case as well as for a family of mappings. A separation theorem for concave functions is proved as an auxiliary result. Also, we discuss briefly the following problems for several classes of contractions: stability of procedure of successive approximations,...
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