Utilisation des langages formels en théorie des champs
We define an agent-oriented abstraction formalism devoted to generalized theories of abstraction that have been proposed in Artificial Intelligence. The model we propose extends the abstraction capabilities of the existing Agent-Oriented Programming paradigm. This short note reviews first the existing attempts to define abstraction in AI and in agent systems. Then, our model is introduced in terms of six definitions covering the concepts of agents, annotated knowledge, utility and society of agents....
The logic of signed formula can be used to reason about a wide variety of multiple-valued logics [Häh94b, LMR97]. The formal theoretical foundation of multiple-valued logic programming based on signed formulas is set forth in [Lu96]. The current paper is an investigation into the operational semantics of such signed logic programming. The connection of signed logic programming to constraint logic programming is presented, search space issues are briefly discussed for both general and special cases,...
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