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We discuss a prescriptive approach to multistage optimal fuzzy control of a fuzzy system, given by a fuzzy state transition equation. Fuzzy constraints and fuzzy goals at consecutive control stages are given, and their confluence, Bellman and Zadeh's fuzzy decision, is an explicit performance function to be optimized. First, we briefly survey previous basic solution methods of dynamic programming (Baldwin and Pilsworth, 1982) and branch-and-bound (Kacprzyk, 1979), which are plagued by low numerical...
In the paper an interface is proposed that combines flexible (fuzzy) querying and data mining functionality. The point of departure is the fuzzy querying interface designed and implemented previously by the present authors. It makes it possible to formulate and execute, against a traditional (crisp) database, queries containing imprecisely specified conditions. Here we discuss possibilities to extend it with some data mining features. More specifically, linguistic summarization of data (databases),...
The term query is widely used in the database as well as information retrieval communities. Basically, a query against a collection of information items (to be called later, for brevity, an information source) provides a formal description of the items of interest to the user posing this query. A source of information is meant here very generally. It may take the form of an archive of multimedia or textual documents, a database, or a knowledge base. In the three previous examples the information...
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