We present and analyse in this paper a novel colocated Finite Volume scheme for the solution of the Stokes problem.
It has been developed following two main ideas.
On one hand, the discretization of the pressure gradient term is built as the discrete transposed of the velocity divergence term, the latter being evaluated using a natural finite volume approximation; this leads to a non-standard interpolation formula for the expression of the pressure on the edges of the control volumes.
On the other...
We present in this paper a pressure correction scheme for the barotropic compressible Navier-Stokes equations, which enjoys an unconditional stability property, in the sense that the energy and maximum-principle-based estimates of the continuous problem also hold for the discrete solution.
The stability proof is based on two independent results for general finite volume discretizations, both interesting for their own sake: the
-stability of the discrete advection operator provided...
We present and analyse in this paper a novel cell-centered collocated finite volume scheme for incompressible flows.
Its definition involves a partition of the set of control volumes; each element of this partition is called a cluster and consists in a few neighbouring control volumes.
Under a simple geometrical assumption for the clusters, we obtain that the pair of discrete spaces associating the classical cell-centered approximation for the velocities and cluster-wide constant pressures is ...
We present in this paper a pressure correction scheme for the drift-flux model combining finite element and finite volume discretizations, which is shown to enjoy essential stability features of the continuous problem: the scheme is conservative, the unknowns are kept within their physical bounds and, in the homogeneous case ( when the drift velocity vanishes), the discrete entropy of the system decreases; in addition, when using for the drift velocity a closure law which takes the form of a Darcy-like...
We review in this paper a class of schemes for the numerical simulation of compressible flows. In order to ensure the stability of the discretizations in a wide range of Mach numbers and introduce sufficient decoupling for the numerical resolution, we choose to implement and study pressure correction schemes on staggered meshes. The implicit version of the schemes is also considered for the theoretical study. We give both algorithms for the barotropic Navier-Stokes equations, for the full Navier-Stokes...
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