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On a generalization of a theorem of Burnside

Jiangtao Shi — 2015

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

A theorem of Burnside asserts that a finite group G is p -nilpotent if for some prime p a Sylow p -subgroup of G lies in the center of its normalizer. In this paper, let G be a finite group and p the smallest prime divisor of | G | , the order of G . Let P Syl p ( G ) . As a generalization of Burnside’s theorem, it is shown that if every non-cyclic p -subgroup of G is self-normalizing or normal in G then G is solvable. In particular, if P a , b | a p n - 1 = 1 , b 2 = 1 , b - 1 a b = a 1 + p n - 2 , where n 3 for p > 2 and n 4 for p = 2 , then G is p -nilpotent or p -closed.

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