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The Strong Anick Conjecture is true

Vesselin DrenskyJie-Tai Yu — 2007

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

Recently Umirbaev has proved the long-standing Anick conjecture, that is, there exist wild automorphisms of the free associative algebra K x , y , z over a field K of characteristic 0. In particular, the well-known Anick automorphism is wild. In this article we obtain a stronger result (the Strong Anick Conjecture that implies the Anick Conjecture). Namely, we prove that there exist wild coordinates of K x , y , z . In particular, the two nontrivial coordinates in the Anick automorphism are both wild. We establish a...

Degree estimate for subalgebras generated by two elements

Leonid Makar-LimanovJie-Tai Yu — 2008

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We develop a new combinatorial method to deal with a degree estimate for subalgebras generated by two elements in different environments. We obtain a lower bound for the degree of the elements in two-generated subalgebras of a free associative algebra over a field of zero characteristic. We also reproduce a somewhat refined degree estimate of Shestakov and Umirbaev for the polynomial algebra, which plays an essential role in the recent celebrated solution of the Nagata conjecture and the strong...

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