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Mixed pseudo-associativities of Bandler-Kohout compositions of relations

Jolanta Sobera — 2007


This paper considers compositions of relations based on the notion of the afterset and the foreset, i. e., the subproduct, the superproduct and the square product introduced by Bandler and Kohout with modification proposed by De Baets and Kerre. There are proven all possible mixed pseudo-associativity properties of Bandler – Kohout compositions of relations.

Structure of partially ordered cyclic semigroups

Józef DrewniakJolanta Sobera — 2003

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

This paper recalls some properties of a cyclic semigroup and examines cyclic subsemigroups in a finite ordered semigroup. We prove that a partially ordered cyclic semigroup has a spiral structure which leads to a separation of three classes of such semigroups. The cardinality of the order relation is also estimated. Some results concern semigroups with a lattice order.

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