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A Q -scheme for a class of systems of coupled conservation laws with source term. Application to a two-layer 1-D shadow water system

Manuel CastroJorge MacíasCarlos Parés — 2001

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

The goal of this paper is to construct a first-order upwind scheme for solving the system of partial differential equations governing the one-dimensional flow of two superposed immiscible layers of shallow water fluids. This is done by generalizing a numerical scheme presented by Bermúdez and Vázquez-Cendón [3, 26, 27] for solving one-layer shallow water equations, consisting in a Q -scheme with a suitable treatment of the source terms. The difficulty in the two layer system comes from the coupling...

A -scheme for a class of systems of coupled conservation laws with source term. Application to a two-layer 1-D shallow water system

Manuel CastroJorge MacíasCarlos Parés — 2010

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

The goal of this paper is to construct a first-order upwind scheme for solving the system of partial differential equations governing the one-dimensional flow of two superposed immiscible layers of shallow water fluids. This is done by generalizing a numerical scheme presented by Bermúdez and Vázquez-Cendón [3, 6, 27] for solving one-layer shallow water equations, consisting in a -scheme with a suitable treatment of the source terms. The difficulty in the two layer system comes from the coupling...

Numerical simulation of internal tides in the Strait of Gibraltar.

Presentamos un modelo numérico unidimensional para flujos bicapa que se ha desarrollado para la simulación de flujos a través de canales con geometría irregular tanto en anchura como en profundidad. Este modelo se utiliza para el estudio y simulación de las mareas internas que tienen lugar en el Estrecho de Gibraltar. En primer lugar presentaremos las ecuaciones del modelo y el esquema numérico que se usa para su resolución. A continuación evaluaremos el buen hacer del modelo numérico comparando...

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