Current methods of conducting clinical trials require the patient to agree to have his treatment assigned randomly, where his individual characteristics are taken into account only to balance the treatment groups. A Bayesian alternative involves eliciting the prior opinions of the group of clinicians who designed the study. Each patient is then guaranteed that the treatment he will receive is the best for him either in the opinion of at least one individual clinician or as a consensus of several,...
Discussion on the paper by Dalal, Sid R., Nonparametric Bayes decision theory, part of a round table on Bayesian non-parametric theory held in the First International Congress on Bayesian Methods (Valencia, Spain, 28 May - 2 June 1979).
Discussion on the papers by Leonard, Tom, The roles of inductive modelling and coherence in Bayesian statistics and by Novick, Melvin R., Dekeyrel, D.F. and Chuang, D.T., Local and regional coherence utility assessment procedures, both of them part of a round table on Coherence of models and utilities held in the First International Congress on Bayesian Methods (Valencia, Spain, 28 May - 2 June 1979).
Discussion on the paper by Barnard, George A., Pivotal inference and the Bayesian controversy, part of a round table on Bayesian and non-Bayesian conditional inference held in the First International Congress on Bayesian Methods (Valencia, Spain, 28 May - 2 June 1979).
Discussion on the papers by Makov, Udi E., Approximation of unsupervised Bayes learning procedures, Smith, Adrian F. M., Change-Point problems: approaches and applications and by Harrison, P. J. and Smith Jim Q., Discontinuity, decision and conflict, the three of them part of a round table on Sequential learning, discontinuities and changes held in the First International Congress on Bayesian Methods (Valencia, Spain, 28 May - 2 June 1979).
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