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Prezentačný software pre LaTeX

Jozef ŘíhaPavel Stříž — 2007

Zpravodaj Československého sdružení uživatelů TeXu

The article is an introduction to the preparation of presentations. In the first part, it gives information about the general problems of preparing presentations. In the second part it points out TeX classes Slides and Prosper, plus the FoilTeX package. In the next part it briefly mentions the existence of the packages Uwmslide and TeXPower. The last discussed package is Beamer. The Beamer is a fully featured tool for creating presentations in TeX and this will be discussed in another issue of the...

Príprava posteru

Jozef ŘíhaPavel Stříž — 2007

Zpravodaj Československého sdružení uživatelů TeXu

The article is an introduction to the preparation of scientific posters. In the first part, it deals with the definition, specification and sizes of posters. It points to proper TeX programmes and packages. It deals mainly with A0poster, Sciposter, Poster and Epssplit. In brief, it mentions also non-TeX tools, such as Impress, Microsoft PowerPoint and its templates plus suitable software products. In the second part, it discusses printing and the price of posters. The last part mentions...

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