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On Brown's method with convexity hypotheses

Juan Pedro Milaszewicz — 2004

Applications of Mathematics

Given two initial points generating monotone convergent Brown iterations in the context of the monotone Newton theorem (MNT), it is proved that if one of them is an upper bound of the other, then the same holds for each pair of respective terms in the Brown sequences they generate. This comparison result is carried over to the corresponding Brown-Fourier iterations. An illustration is discussed.

Fuzzy controller for obstacle-avoidance with a non-holonomous mobile robot.

Uribe 1Juan PedroJoseba Urzelai — 1998

Mathware and Soft Computing

This paper describes the design and development of a sensor based navigation system which makes it possible for a non-holonomous mobile robot to avoid obstacles using information on its environment picked up by a belt of ultrasonic sensors. To control the robot no preliminary information regarding its environment is required, the robot adapts to them through the information gathered on the spot by the ultrasonic sensors and the information released from a spatial memory. The controller, which allows...

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