New Applications of Random Sampling in Computational Geometry. K.L. Clarkson — 1987 Discrete & computational geometry
A Bound on Local Minima of Arrangements that Implies the Upper Bound Theorem. K.L. Clarkson — 1993 Discrete & computational geometry
Applications of Random Sampling in Computational Geometry, II. K.L. Clarkson; Peter W. Shor — 1989 Discrete & computational geometry
Combinatorial Complexity Bounds for Arrangements of Curves and Spheres. H. Edelsbrunner; E. Welzl; L.J. Guibas; K.L. Clarkson; M. Sharir — 1990 Discrete & computational geometry
A Fast Las Vegas Algorithm for Triangulating a Simple Polygon. Robert E. Tarjan; K.L. Clarkson; Christopher J. van Wyk — 1989 Discrete & computational geometry