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Foliations by complex manifolds involving the complex Hessian

SummaryIn 1979 the second named author proved, in a joint paper with J. Ławrynowicz, the existence of a foliation of a bounded domain in n by complex submanifolds of codimension k+p-1, connected in some sense with a real (1,1) C³-form of rank k and the pth power of the complex Hessian of a C³-function u with im u plurisubharmonic and the property that for every leaf of this foliation the restricted functions im u, re u and ( / z j ) i m u , ( / z j ) r e u are pluriharmonic and holomorphic, respectively.Now the theorem is extended...

Only one of generalized gradients can be elliptic

Jerzy KalinaAntoni PierzchalskiPaweł Walczak — 1997

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Decomposing the space of k-tensors on a manifold M into the components invariant and irreducible under the action of GL(n) (or O(n) when M carries a Riemannian structure) one can define generalized gradients as differential operators obtained from a linear connection ∇ on M by restriction and projection to such components. We study the ellipticity of gradients defined in this way.

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