W ostatnim tygodniu września 2010 roku w Warszawie, w Międzynarodowym Centrum Matematycznym im. S. Banacha odbyły się warsztaty naukowe 77th European Study Group with Industry (77th ESGI)1Ciągle aktywna jest strona www.ESGI77.pl, domenę tę zamierzamy utrzymać jeszcze przez jakiś czas.. Formuła tych warsztatów, czerpiąca swoje wzorce z praktyki najlepszych brytyjskich uniwersytetów, polega na wspólnym rozwiązywaniu problemów, zgłoszonych uprzednio przez firmy i instytucje. Kluczowymi czynnikami dla...
The paper is concerned with secret sharing schemes, a family of cryptographic protocols. First, we describe the basic schemes. Next, we present general secret sharing and the approach based on information theory. Finally, we outline extended capabilities of secret sharing schemes. An additional contribution of the paper is our effort to present unified terminology in Polish.
The English term “industrial mathematics” has no widely accepted Polish counterpart. The British say that industrial mathematicians engage in activities similar to the ones taken up by applied mathematicians, only the research is done for money supplied by the ones who find the results useful in their job. A short, yet a little more formal definition says that the industrial mathematics is a human activity which employs precise mathematical description and reasoning in order to solve real-world...
The English term ,,industrial mathematics'' has no widely accepted Polish counterpart. The British say that industrial mathematicians engage in activities similar to the ones taken up by applied mathematicians, only the research is done for money supplied by the ones who find the results useful in their job. A short, yet a little more formal definition says that the industrial mathematics is a human activity which employs precise mathematical description and reasoning in order to solve real-world...
The derivatives are financial instruments whose value changes in response to the changes in underlying variables. Originally, they were based on commodities and used to reduce risk from varying prices. This strategy is often called hedging. However as financial markets have become more complex it is more and more difficult to distinguish between old fashioned hedging and speculation. At present the derivatives’ markets are one of the most interestingfie lds of research in financial mathematics....
W dniach 7–11 kwietnia 2008 na Herriot-Watt University w Edynburgu odbyło się European Study Group with Industry. Ponad 60 osobowa grupa naukowców (głównie matematyków) z kilkunastu krajów spotkała się z przedstawicielami świata biznesu, aby wspólnie pracować nad rozwiązaniem problemów zgłoszonych przez tych ostatnich. Dzięki wsparciu organizatorów i IBS PAN w warsztatach tych wzięła udział grupa polskich uczestników.
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