For a class of one-dimensional holomorphic maps f of the Riemann sphere we prove that for a wide class of potentials φ the topological pressure is entirely determined by the values of φ on the repelling periodic points of f. This is a version of a classical result of Bowen for hyperbolic diffeomorphisms in the holomorphic non-uniformly hyperbolic setting.
We study a partially hyperbolic and topologically transitive local diffeomorphism F that is a skew-product over a horseshoe map. This system is derived from a homoclinic class and contains infinitely many hyperbolic periodic points of different indices and hence is not hyperbolic. The associated transitive invariant set Λ possesses a very rich fiber structure, it contains uncountably many trivial and uncountably many non-trivial fibers. Moreover, the spectrum of the central Lyapunov exponents of...
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