The regularity series of a Cauchy space. Kent, Darrell C. — 1984 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
p -regular Cauchy completions. Kent, Darrell C.; Wig, Jennifer — 2000 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Separation properties of the Wallman ordered compactification. Kent, Darrell C.; Richmond, T.A. — 1990 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Completion functors for Cauchy spaces. Fric, R.; Kent, Darrell C. — 1979 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Order compatibility for Cauchy spaces and convergence spaces. Kent, Darrell C.; Vainio, Reino — 1987 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
The star compactification. Richardson, G.D.; Kent, Darrell C. — 1981 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
A completion functor for Cauchy groups. Fric, R.; Kent, Darrell C. — 1981 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Ordered Cauchy spaces. Kent, Darrell C.; Vainio, R. — 1985 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Compactifications of convergence spaces. Kent, Darrell C.; Richardson, G.D. — 1979 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Ordered compactification of totally ordered spaces. Kent, Darrell C.; Richmond, T.A. — 1988 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
A new ordered compactification. Kent, Darrell C.; Richmond, T.A. — 1993 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
The Nachbin compactification via convergence ordered spaces. Kent, Darrell C.; Liu, Dongmei — 1993 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
A note on ordered planes. Gamon, Margaret A.; Kent, Darrell C. — 1992 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
On the Nachbin compactification of products of totally ordered spaces. Kent, Darrell C.; Liu, Dongmei; Richmond, T.A. — 1995 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
The decomposition series of a convergence space Darrell C. Kent; Gary D. Richardson — 1973 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
Open and proper maps between convergence spaces Darrell C. Kent; Gary D. Richardson — 1973 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
Completion of sequential Cauchy spaces Robert Frič; Darrell C. Kent — 1977 Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae
In memoriam of Professor Josef Novák Roman Frič; Darrell C. Kent — 2000 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal