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The single (and multi) item profit maximizing capacitated lot–size (PCLSP) problem with fixed prices and no set–up

This paper proposes a specialized LP-algorithm for a sub problem arising in simple Profit maximising Lot-sizing. The setting involves a single (and multi) item production system with negligible set-up costs/times and limited production capacity. The producer faces a monopolistic market with given time-varying linear demand curves.

A fast Lagrangian heuristic for large-scale capacitated lot-size problems with restricted cost structures

In this paper, we demonstrate the computational consequences of making a simple assumption on production cost structures in capacitated lot-size problems. Our results indicate that our cost assumption of increased productivity over time has dramatic effects on the problem sizes which are solvable. Our experiments indicate that problems with more than 1000 products in more than 1000 time periods may be solved within reasonable time. The Lagrangian decomposition algorithm we use does of course not...

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