[Kostov Vladimir Petrov; Костов Владимир Петров]
We consider real polynomials in one variable without root at 0 and without multiple roots. Given the numbers of the positive, negative and complex roots of two such polynomials, what can be these numbers for their composition of Schur-Szegö? We give the exhaustive answer to the question for degree 2, 3 and 4 polynomials and also in the case when the degree is arbitrary, the composed polynomials being with all roots real, and one of the...
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 12D10.
In the present paper we consider degree 6 hyperbolic polynomials (HPs) in one variable (i.e. real and with all roots real). We are interested in such HPs whose number of equalities between roots of the polynomial and/or its derivatives is higher than expected. We give the complete study of the four families of such degree 6 even HPs and also of HPs which are primitives of degree 5 HPs.
Research partially supported by research...
A real polynomial P of degree n in one real variable is hyperbolic if its roots are all real. A real-valued function P is called a hyperbolic polynomial-like function (HPLF) of degree n if it has n real zeros and P(n) vanishes nowhere. Denote by xk
(i) the roots of P(i), k = 1, ..., n-i, i = 0, ..., n-1. Then in the absence of any equality of the form
By Descartes’ rule of signs, a real degree polynomial with all nonvanishing coefficients with sign changes and sign preservations in the sequence of its coefficients () has positive and negative roots, where and . For , for every possible choice of the sequence of signs of coefficients of (called sign pattern) and for every pair satisfying these conditions there exists a polynomial with exactly positive and exactly negative roots (all of them simple). For this is not...
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