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Computer-Assisted Proofs and Symbolic Computations

Krämer, Walter — 2010

Serdica Journal of Computing

We discuss some main points of computer-assisted proofs based on reliable numerical computations. Such so-called self-validating numerical methods in combination with exact symbolic manipulations result in very powerful mathematical software tools. These tools allow proving mathematical statements (existence of a fixed point, of a solution of an ODE, of a zero of a continuous function, of a global minimum within a given range, etc.) using a digital computer. To validate the assertions of the underlying theorems...

Computing and Visualizing Solution Sets of Interval Linear Systems

Krämer, Walter — 2007

Serdica Journal of Computing

The paper has been presented at the 12th International Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra, Varna, Bulgaria, June, 2006 The computation of the exact solution set of an interval linear system is a nontrivial task [2, 13]. Even in two and three dimensions a lot of work has to be done. We demonstrate two different realizations. The first approach (see [16]) is based on Java, Java3D, and the BigRational package [21]. An applet allows modifications of the matrix coefficients and/or...

Introduction to the Maple Power Tool Intpakx

Krämer, Walter — 2007

Serdica Journal of Computing

The paper has been presented at the 12th International Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra, Varna, Bulgaria, June, 2006 The Maple Power Tool intpakX [24] de nes Maple types for real intervals and complex disc intervals. On the level of basic operations, intpakX includes the four basic arithmetic operators, including extended interval division as an extra function. Furthermore, there are power, square, square root, logarithm and exponential functions, a set of standard functions, union,...

A Solver for Complex-Valued Parametric Linear Systems

Popova, EvgenijaKolev, LyubomirKrämer, Walter — 2010

Serdica Journal of Computing

This work reports on a new software for solving linear systems involving affine-linear dependencies between complex-valued interval parameters. We discuss the implementation of a parametric residual iteration for linear interval systems by advanced communication between the system Mathematica and the library C-XSC supporting rigorous complex interval arithmetic. An example of AC electrical circuit illustrates the use of the presented software. * This work was partly supported by the...

Extension of the C-XSC Library with Scalar Products with Selectable Accuracy

Zimmer, MichaelKrämer, WalterBohlender, GerdHofschuster, Werner — 2010

Serdica Journal of Computing

The C++ class library C-XSC for scientific computing has been extended with the possibility to compute scalar products with selectable accuracy in version 2.3.0. In previous versions, scalar products have always been computed exactly with the help of the so-called long accumulator. Additionally, optimized floating point computation of matrix and vector operations using BLAS-routines are added in C-XSC version 2.4.0. In this article the algorithms used and their implementations, as well as some potential pitfalls...

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