A rational splitting of a based mapping space.
Let LX be the space of free loops on a simply connected manifold X. When the real cohomology of X is a tensor product of algebras generated by a single element, we determine the algebra structure of the real cohomology of LX by using the cyclic bar complex of the de Rham complex Ω(X) of X. In consequence, the algebra generators of the real cohomology of LX can be represented by differential forms on LX through Chen’s iterated integral map. Let be the circle group. The -equivariant cohomology...
We determine the algebra structure of the Hochschild cohomology of the singular cochain algebra with coefficients in a field on a space whose cohomology is a polynomial algebra. A spectral sequence calculation of the Hochschild cohomology is also described. In particular, when the underlying field is of characteristic two, we determine the associated bigraded Batalin-Vilkovisky algebra structure on the Hochschild cohomology of the singular cochain on a space whose cohomology is an exterior algebra....
Let X be a simply connected space and LX the space of free loops on X. We determine the mod p cohomology algebra of LX when the mod p cohomology of X is generated by one element or is an exterior algebra on two generators. We also provide lower bounds on the dimensions of the Hodge decomposition factors of the rational cohomology of LX when the rational cohomology of X is a graded complete intersection algebra. The key to both of these results is the identification of an important subalgebra of...
Let G be a finite loop space such that the mod p cohomology of the classifying space BG is a polynomial algebra. We consider when the adjoint bundle associated with a G-bundle over M splits on mod p cohomology as an algebra. In the case p = 2, an obstruction for the adjoint bundle to admit such a splitting is found in the Hochschild homology concerning the mod 2 cohomologies of BG and M via a module derivation. Moreover the derivation tells us that the splitting is not compatible with the Steenrod...
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