A Condition for a Polynomial Map to be Invertible.
Characteristic matrix values (singular values, eigenvalues, and pivots arising from Gaussian elimination) for the Jacobian matrix and its inverse are considered for maps of real n-space to itself with a nowhere vanishing Jacobian determinant. Bounds on these are related to global invertibility of the map. Polynomial maps with a constant nonzero Jacobian determinant are a special case that allows for sharper characterizations.
Implementations of known reductions of the Strong Real Jacobian Conjecture (SRJC), to the case of an identity map plus cubic homogeneous or cubic linear terms, and to the case of gradient maps, are shown to preserve significant algebraic and geometric properties of the maps involved. That permits the separate formulation and reduction, though not so far the solution, of the SRJC for classes of nonsingular polynomial endomorphisms of real n-space that exclude the Pinchuk counterexamples to the SRJC,...
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