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From the Fermi-Walker to the Cartan connection

Lafuente, JavierSalvador, Beatriz — 2000

Proceedings of the 19th Winter School "Geometry and Physics"

Let M be a C -manifold with a Riemannian conformal structure C . Given a regular curve γ on M , the authors define a linear operator on the space of (differentiable) vector fields along γ , only depending on C , called the Fermi-Walker connection along γ . Then, the authors introduce the concept of Fermi-Walker parallel vector field along γ , proving that such vector fields set up a linear space isomorphic to the tangent space at a point of γ . This allows to consider the Fermi-Walker horizontal lift of...

Conos de luz.

Javier Lafuente López — 1992

Revista Matemática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Using a new characterization of the Lorentz quadrics, we establish a reformulation of the Special Relativity Theory.

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