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On the doubling of quadratic algebras

Lars Lindberg — 2004

Colloquium Mathematicae

The concept of doubling, which was introduced around 1840 by Graves and Hamilton, associates with any quadratic algebra 𝓐 over a field k of characteristic not 2 its double 𝓥(𝓐 ) = 𝓐 × 𝓐 with multiplication (w,x)(y,z) = (wy - z̅x,xy̅ + zw). This yields an endofunctor on the category of all quadratic k-algebras which is faithful but not full. We study in which respect the division property of a quadratic k-algebra is preserved under doubling and, provided this is the case, whether the...

Dissident maps on the seven-dimensional Euclidean space

Ernst DieterichLars Lindberg — 2003

Colloquium Mathematicae

Our article contributes to the classification of dissident maps on ℝ ⁷, which in turn contributes to the classification of 8-dimensional real division algebras. We study two large classes of dissident maps on ℝ ⁷. The first class is formed by all composed dissident maps, obtained from a vector product on ℝ ⁷ by composition with a definite endomorphism. The second class is formed by all doubled dissident maps, obtained as the purely imaginary parts of the structures of those 8-dimensional...

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