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T -preserving homomorphisms of oriented graphs

Jaroslav NešetřilEric SopenaLaurence Vignal — 1997

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

A homomorphism of an oriented graph G = ( V , A ) to an oriented graph G ' = ( V ' , A ' ) is a mapping ϕ from V to V ' such that ϕ ( u ) ϕ ( v ) is an arc in G ' whenever u v is an arc in G . A homomorphism of G to G ' is said to be T -preserving for some oriented graph T if for every connected subgraph H of G isomorphic to a subgraph of T , H is isomorphic to its homomorphic image in G ' . The T -preserving oriented chromatic number χ T ( G ) of an oriented graph G is the minimum number of vertices in an oriented graph G ' such that there exists a T -preserving...

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