Visibility and Intersection Problems in Plane Geometry. B. Chazelle; Leonidas J. Guibas — 1989 Discrete & computational geometry
Implicitly Representing Arrangements of Lines or Segments. H. Edelsbrunner; Raimund Seidel; Micha Sharir; Leonidas Guibas; John Hershberger; Jack, Welzl, Emo Snoeyink — 1989 Discrete & computational geometry
On Arrangements of Jordan Arcs with Three Intersections per Pair. H. Edelsbrunner; Raimund Seidel; Micha Sharir; Richard Pollack; Janos Pach; Leonidas Guibas; John Hershberger; Jack Snoeyink — 1989 Discrete & computational geometry
The Upper Envelope of Piecewise Linear Functions: Algorithms and Applications. H. Edelsbrunner; Micha Sharir; Leonidas J. Guibas — 1989 Discrete & computational geometry
A Linear-Time Algorithm for Computing the Voronoi Diagram of a Convex Polygon. Leonidas J. Guibas; Peter W. Shor; A. Aggarwal; James Saxe — 1989 Discrete & computational geometry
The Complexity of Cutting Complexes. B. Chazelle; Herbert Edelsbrunner; Guibas Leonidas J. — 1989 Discrete & computational geometry