A note on the total number of double Eulerian circuits in multigraphs. Liskovets, Valery — 2002 Journal of Integer Sequences [electronic only]
Some easily derivable integer sequences. Liskovets, Valery A. — 2000 Journal of Integer Sequences [electronic only]
A multivariate arithmetic function of combinatorial and topological significance. Liskovets, Valery A. — 2010 Integers
Enumerative formulae for unrooted planar maps: a pattern. Liskovets, Valery A. — 2004 The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics [electronic only]
Analytical enumeration of circulant graphs with prime-squared number of vertices. Klin, Mikhail; Liskovets, Valery; Pöschel, Reinhard — 1996 Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire [electronic only]