Temporal Constraint Networks are a well-defined, natural and efficient formalism for representing temporal knowledge based on metric temporal constraints. They support the representation of both metric and some qualitative temporal relations and are provided with efficient algorithms based on CSP techniques. Recently, a generalization based on fuzzy sets has been proposed in order to cope with vagueness in temporal relations. In this paper we generalize some earlier definitions for Fuzzy Temporal...
In this paper we investigate a propositional fuzzy logical system LΠ which contains the well-known Lukasiewicz, Product and Gödel fuzzy logics as sublogics. We define the corresponding algebraic structures, called LΠ-algebras and prove the following completeness result: a formula φ is provable in the LΠ logic iff it is a tautology for all linear LΠ-algebras. Moreover, linear LΠ-algebras are shown to be embeddable in linearly ordered abelian rings with a strong unit and cancellation law.
In Possibilistic Decision Theory (PDT), decisions are ranked by a pressimistic or by an optimistic qualitative criteria. The preference relations induced by these criteria have been axiomatized by corresponding sets of rationality postulates, both à la von Neumann and Morgenstern and à la Savage. In this paper we first address a particular issue regarding the axiomatic systems of PDT à la von Neumann and Morgenstern. Namely, we show how to adapt the axiomatic systems for the pessimistic and optimistic...
Similarity-based models were first used by Ruspini to give semantics to fuzzy logic. In these models, incomplete information is represented by an evidential set, i.e. a set of possible worlds that are compatible with the evidence, together with a fuzzy similarity relation} on the set of possible worlds that allows to describe the resemblance of arbitrary subsets of worlds to those belonging to the evidencial set. On the other hand, the question addressed by theory change formalisms is which kind...
The paper introduces a general axiomatic notion of approximation mapping, a mapping that associates to each crisp proposition p a fuzzy set representing approximately p. It is shown how it can be obtained through fuzzy relations, which are at least reflexive. We study the corresponding multi-modal systems depending on the properties satisfied by the approximate relation. Finally, we show some equivalences between possibilistic logical consequences and global/local logical consequences in the multi-modal...
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