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Order by Relevance | Title | Year of publication

Simulation of Indoor Humidity

Mária Minárová — 2014

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

The paper deals with the moisture in the internal air of a modeling room. The problems connected with the undesired relative humidity of the indoor air are introduced, the reviewing of the hygric situation in the modeling room is described, the less or more precise models for relative humidity estimation depending on the influencing parameters are performed and the reasoning—when, why and how the particular models should be used, is added. As in particular hygric conditions some of the influencing...

Anisotropic viscoelastic body subjected to the pulsating load

Jozef SumecMária MinárováĽuboš Hruštinec — 2023

Applications of Mathematics

Constitutive equations of continuum mechanics of the solid phase of anisotropic material is focused in the paper. First, a synoptic one-dimensional Maxwell model is explored, subjected to arbitrary deformation load. The explicit form is derived for stress on strain dependence. Further, the analogous explicit constitutive equation is taken in three spatial dimensions and treated mathematically. Later on, a simply supported straight concrete beam reinforced by the steel fibres is taken as an investigated...

Visco-elastic-plastic modelling

Koppová, JanaMinárová, MáriaSumec, Jozef — 2017

Proceedings of Equadiff 14

In this paper we deal with the mathematical modelling of rheological models with applications in various engineering disciplines and industry. We study the mechanical response of visco-elasto-plastic materials. We describe the basic rheological elements and focus our attention to the specific model of concrete, for which we derive governing equations and discuss its solution. We provide an application of rheological model involving rigid-plastic element as well - mechanical and mathematical model...

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