Common fixed points and fixed edges for monotone mappings in posets Rade M. Dacić — 1990 Colloquium Mathematicae
Some Results of the Current Work on the Catalogue of PZT Programme Stars S. Sadžakov; D. Šaletić; M. Dačić — 1976 Publications of Department of Astronomy
Observations of the Sun, Mercury and Venus in Both coordinates, Made With the Large Meridian Circle of Belgrade Observatory S. Sadžakov; D. Šaletić; M. Dačić — 1976 Publications of Department of Astronomy
Properties of monotone mappings in partially ordered sets. Dacic, Rade M. — 1981 Publications de l'Institut Mathématique. Nouvelle Série
On fixed edges of antitone self-mappings of complete lattices. Dacić, Rade M. — 1983 Publications de l'Institut Mathématique. Nouvelle Série