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Spettri Raman e ultrarossi di soluzioni anidre concentrate di acido cloridrico in metanolo

Alessandro BertoluzzaMaria Antonietta Bertoluzza MorelliConcezio FagnanoM. Raffaella Tosi — 1976

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti

Raman an di.r. spectra of anhydrous hydrogen chloride solutions in methanol are preliminarly anticipated in a program of vibrational studies on strong hydrogen bond. The spectra evidence the formation of H + ( C H 3 O H ) n protonated species corresponding to that H + ( H 2 O ) n , that we have observed in the Raman spectra of aqueous hydrogen chloride solutions, and they show an analogous behaviour. We shall give more detailed references in a next work.

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