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Asymptotic distributions οf linear combinations of order statistics

Małgorzata Bogdan — 1994

Applicationes Mathematicae

We study the asymptotic distributions of linear combinations of order statistics (L-statistics) which can be expressed as differentiable statistical functionals and we obtain Berry-Esseen type bounds and the Edgeworth series for the distribution functions of L-statistics. We also analyze certain saddlepoint approximations for the distribution functions of L-statistics.

Localizing influential genes with modified versions of Bayesian Information Criterion

Małgorzata BogdanPiotr Szulc — 2012

Mathematica Applicanda

Regions of the genome that influence quantitative traits are called quantitative trait loci (QTLs) and can be located using statistical methods. For this aim scientists use genetic markers, whose genotypes are known, and look for the associations between these genotypes and trait values. The common method which can be used in this problem is a linear regression. There are many model selection criteria for the choice of predictors in a linear regression. However, in the context of QTL mapping, where...

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