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Identity, equality, nameability and completeness. Part II

María ManzanoManuel Crescencio Moreno — 2018

Bulletin of the Section of Logic

This article is a continuation of our promenade along the winding roads of identity, equality, nameability and completeness. We continue looking for a place where all these concepts converge. We assume that identity is a binary relation between objects while equality is a symbolic relation between terms. Identity plays a central role in logic and we have looked at it from two different points of view. In one case, identity is a notion which has to be defined and, in the other case, identity is a...

Identity, Equality, Nameability and Completeness

María ManzanoManuel Crescencio Moreno — 2017

Bulletin of the Section of Logic

This article is an extended promenade strolling along the winding roads of identity, equality, nameability and completeness, looking for places where they converge. We have distinguished between identity and equality; the first is a binary relation between objects while the second is a symbolic relation between terms. Owing to the central role the notion of identity plays in logic, you can be interested either in how to define it using other logical concepts or in the opposite scheme. In the first...

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