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A model of decision with linguistic knowledge.

María Teresa Lamata Jiménez — 1994

Mathware and Soft Computing

The aim of this paper is to develop a new aggregating method for the decision problem in which the possible values of rewards are known in linguistic terms. We show new operators for solving this problem, as well as the way in which OWA operators provide us with an adequate framework for representing the optimism degree of the decision maker in case we have no information about the real state.

Extensión de medidas difusas usando la esperanza monótona.

The monotone expectation is defined as a functional over fuzzy measures on finite sets. The functional is based on Choquet functional over capacities and its more relevant properties are proved, including the generalization of classical mathematical expectation and Dempster's upper and lower expectations of an evidence. In second place, the monotone expectation is used to define measures of fuzzy sets. Such measures are compared with the ones based on Sugeno integral. Finally, we prove a generalization...

Una visión unificada de los operadores en la teoría de la evidencia.

The aim of this paper is to review the different operators defined in the Theory of Evidence. All of them are presented from the same point of view. Special attention is given to the logical operators: conjunction (Dempster's Rule), disjunction and negation (defined by Dubois and Prade), and the operators changing the level of granularity on the set of possible states (partitions, fuzzy partitions, etc.).

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