A Note on the Growth of Davenport's constant.
We prove that any Galois extension of a commutative ring with a normal basis and abelian Galois group of odd order has a self-dual normal basis. We apply this result to get a very simple proof of nonexistence of normal bases for certain extensions which are of interest in number theory.
We give necessary and sufficient conditions for topological hyperbolicity of a homeomorphism of a metric space, restricted to a given compact invariant set. These conditions are related to the existence of an appropriate finite covering of this set and a corresponding cone-hyperbolic graph-directed iterated function system.
We investigate as Galois module the unit group of biquadratic extensions of number fields. The -rank of the first cohomology group of units of is computed for general . For imaginary quadratic we determine a large portion of the cases (including all unramified ) where the index takes its maximum value , where are units mod torsion of and are units mod torsion of one of the 3 quadratic subfields of .
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