Transversality on manifolds with corners
Armas-Gómez, S.; Margalef-Roig, J.; Outerelo-Domínguez, E.; Padrón-Fernández, E. — 1993
Proceedings of the Winter School "Geometry and Topology"
Summary: We prove a characterization of the immersions in the context of infinite dimensional manifolds with corners, we prove that a Hausdorff paracompact -manifold whose charts are modelled over real Banach spaces which fulfil the Urysohn -condition can be embedded in a real Banach space, , by means of a closed embedding, , such that, locally, its image is a totally neat submanifold of a quadrant of a closed vector subspace of and finally we prove that a Hausdorff paracompact topological...
In this paper we prove the existence of a closed neat embedding of a Hausdorff paracompact Hilbert manifold with smooth boundary into , where is a Hilbert space, such that the normal space in each point of a certain neighbourhood of the boundary is contained in . Then, we give a neccesary and sufficient condition that a Hausdorff paracompact topological space could admit a differentiable structure of class with smooth boundary.
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