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Some iterative Poisson solvers applied to numerical solution of the model fourth-order elliptic problem

Marián Vajteršic — 1985

Aplikace matematiky

The numerical solution of the model fourth-order elliptic boundary value problem in two dimensions is presented. The iterative procedure in which the biharmonic operator is splitted into two Laplace operators is used. After formulating the finite-difference approximation of the procedure, a formula for the evaluation of the transformed iteration vectors is developed. The Jacobi semi-iterative, Richardson and A.D.I. iterative Poisson solvers are applied to compute one transformed iteration vector....

Fast Information Retrieval in the Open Grid Service Architecture

Berka, TobiasVajteršic, Marian — 2011

Serdica Journal of Computing

This is an extended version of an article presented at the Second International Conference on Software, Services and Semantic Technologies, Sofia, Bulgaria, 11–12 September 2010. In research, grid computing is an established way of providing computer resources for information retrieval. However, e-science grids also contain, process and produce documents - thereby acting as digital libraries and requiring means for information discovery. In this paper, we discuss how distributed information...

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