Connectedness of row and column designs
The authors examine the estimation of basic contrasts of treatment parameters in incomplete multiresponse block designs (IMBDs). The basic definitions and the preliminary discussion of IMBDs are the same as those of J. N. Srivastava [Ann. Math. Statist. 39 (1968), 1825–1843; MR0233468]. For the estimation of treatment contrasts in IMBDs, the authors make use of the theory of basic contrasts given by S. C. Pearce, the first author and T. F. de C. Marshall [Biometrika 61 (1974), 449–460; MR0386176]....
As a result of intensive changes in plant production and of environmental changes in agrocenoses, certain agrophages, such as slugs, have in recent years been causing ever increasing amounts of damage to crops of agricultural, horticultural and orchard plants. As a result of the European Parliament and Council Directive adopted on 13 January 2009, the countries of Europe have been required to implement integrated plant protection. One of the principles of this protection is the implementation of...
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