The theory of Mellin analytic functionals with unbounded carrier is developed. The generalized Mellin transform for such functionals is defined and applied to solve the Laplace-Beltrami type singular equations on a hyperbolic space. Then the asymptotic expansion of solutions is found.
A formal solution of a nonlinear equation P(D)u = g(u) in 2 variables is constructed using the Laplace transformation and a convolution equation. We assume some conditions on the characteristic set Char P.
A family of formal solutions of some type of nonlinear partial differential equations is found. Terms of such solutions are Laplace transforms of some Laplace distributions. The series of these distributions are locally finite.
A nonlinear equation in 2 variables is considered. A formal solution as a series of Laplace integrals is constructed. It is shown that assuming some properties of Char P, one gets the Gevrey class of such solutions. In some cases convergence “at infinity” is proved.
We consider a nonlinear Laplace equation Δu = f(x,u) in two variables. Following the methods of B. Braaksma [Br] and J. Ecalle used for some nonlinear ordinary differential equations we construct first a formal power series solution and then we prove the convergence of the series in the same class as the function f in x.
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