Contributo allo studio sulle correlazioni fra struttura e proprietà di composti di interesse biologico. Nota V. Spettri Raman e ultrarossi della dichetopiperazina (2,5—piperazindione) e spettri Raman della soluzione acquosa satura e di sue soluzioni acquose acide
In previous vibrational researches, we have studied the behaviour of the peptide group in various environments. Now, infrared and Raman spectra of crystalline diketopiperazine and Raman spectra of its saturated aqueous and aqueous acid (in 6 and 12 N HCl) solutions are reported and discussed. Raman spectra of this cyclic dipeptide are not reported in the literature. A substantial modification is observed in the Raman spectra going from crystalline form to solution, and it is attributed to intermolecular...